


Today is a very good day. Remember all the blessings you have right now and all the ones that are on the way. You have been given a place at the marriage supper of the Lamb and so death is no threat to you. The blood of Jesus Christ covers all of your sin and shame, past, present, and future. All the blessings of a life well lived are available to you, regardless of the sin and shame of the past. All you have to do now is take every seed given and plant it. Each seed will bloom in it’s proper time and place, and just as different crops ripen at different times of the year, the different seeds you plant will ripen at different times, providing you with just what you need, just when you need it. It is the way God planned it: Just as the harvest from one crop has been picked and used, another ripens. This is God’s way of keeping you healthy and moving and growing, physically, mentally, and spiritually. The horizon gets closer each day, as we get closer to our goals. Don’t let anything or anyone stop you from reaching your goals. However hard it may seem at first, however slow the pace may seem, you must resist the urge to give up and quit. Remember, whatever stress you’re going through now will pass. The more you react negatively to it, the longer it will take for it to pass. The more positively and calmly you react to it, the faster and sooner it will pass. Just remember that this, too, is a part of the life that God has planned for you. You are here because He looked around and saw that this would be beneficial to you, that it would fit into your life, and that it would provide you with that which is needed both for your personal needs and the needs of the Body of Christ which you are a part of. Because of that fact, the enemy will use anything or anyone around you to try to distress and depress and disillusion you, in the hopes that such distress will drive you away. If you are driven away from the present blessing, even if it seems a struggle, or a chastisement, or is so painful you’re afraid to face it, then any future blessings that would be yours as a result of it will be delayed.
When it looks like you have no tomorrow to look forward to, keep your spirit alive with the Word of God and with prayer and listening to the Holy Spirit Who is always with you. Ask Him to strengthen you to endure whatever is happening now and to give you a right attitude. Don’t be ashamed of your weakness: He knows you are weak. That’s why Jesus Christ sent Him here to be with you. He wants you to depend on Him. He is not bothered by your dependence on Him the way we get bothered by having other people dependent on us. Instead, He wants us to be totally dependent on His guidance. Just relax and be dependent on Him. Don’t go off the deep end. Don’t fly off the handle. Don’t lose control, let Him take control. This is a part of God’s restoration plan for your life. Let go and let God. One day at a time, you are being restored. One day at a time, you are being healed. One day at a time, you are being set free from the things that bind, control and distress you.
It is my hope and prayer that “Tilly and the Morning Glories” will help light your way through the darkness of pain and grief, and then plant a small seed of hope and healing in your life.